
We are a nonprofit group of volunteer enthusiasts and activists who have come together to directly contribute to the Pirate Chain cryptocurrency privacy and anonymity project.

We have a dedicated Discord server and Github organization. In our Discord developer calls, we discuss ongoing projects, brainstorm new project ideas, and mutually, generally support each other as enthusiasts and contributors to the Pirate Chain cryptocurrency privacy and anonymity project.

The Pirate Chain project's future success depends on * your * participation. The Atlantic R&D Fleet is looking for people with skills in any or all of the following areas:

  • Software Development
    • C++/Qt5
    • Python3/PyQt5
    • Cryptography, applied to Cryptocurrencies
  • Project Management
  • Technical Documentation
  • Business/E-Commerce

Even if you are just very technically minded and think you have great ideas about where you think Pirate Chain can be improved, your participation is eagerly welcomed. Please join the Pirate Chain Discord server and reach out to warelock (@warelock) and/or Øswald (@piratechain) for further details.

This article was updated on July 16, 2024


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