The Importance of Perfect Fungibility

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The Secret Sauce of Pirate Chain

Only Pirate Chain cryptocurrency has perfect fungibility, through perfect privacy and anonymity, powered by cryptographic Zero-Knowledge proofs and mandatory privacy.

Unique Value

The waters around the term "fungibility" have become incredibly muddied in the communities of other coins, leading to lies and FUD. It's an "either/or", rather than a "matter of degrees" situation when it comes to fungibility. There's no such thing as being "mostly fungible" or "kind of fungible". You either have it or you don't.

Zero History Equals Perfect Protection

Perfect fungibility means zero history. When government regulators partner with blockchain analysis companies to regulate coins with history, they'll find that Pirate Chain coins have exactly zero history. No history? Nothing to trace. Nobody they can find to discriminate against. Besides, what legitimate business do governments and banks have, trying to regulate international money? Only one Pirate Chain coin equals one Pirate Chain coin. That comes from perfect privacy and anonymity coupled with mandatory privacy for each transaction. No other coin has this, including Monero and Zcash. In fact, coins like Monero are vulnerable to "Crypto Dusting Attacks", that unmask which transactions are real and which are fake decoys.

How Big Is Your Haystack?

When it comes to the size of your haystack, when government financial regulators come along trying to find your needle: Size matters. The size of Pirate Chain's "Total Anonset" (or "haystack") is in the millions and due to Pirate Chain's mandatory privacy, the size of that haystack grows with every transaction.

A Safe Harbor

Especially today on the Fourth of July, the celebration of the anniversary of the United States' freedom through bloody revolution from English tyranny, it's really important that we also celebrate the fact that Pirate Chain is the only safe harbor against the coming storm of the King's CBDCs that aim to enslave us all.

Fight the Good Fight

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This article was updated on July 16, 2024


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